Why did Isabelle and Frank call their restaurant "La Fable"

Thank you to those of you who responded with creative stories about the origin of the name "La Fable:. They were all entertaining, one was very charming by Katrina Lashea of Anasa Yoga. This is what she wrote: "I think their story is that he was standing on the Pont Neuf and a gust of wind came and blew his hat off. She was on a boat below. His hat landed on her head. She yelled to him...

"...meet me at Notre Dame and maybe I'll ket you have it back!" And they lived happily ever after and opening a French restaurant in Berkeley, CA!

I love that story. Last night I asked the owners why they called their restaurant "La Fable". The story goes that when they lived in France and were dreaming of their restaurant in California, their son Killian was learning fables by Jean de La Fontaine in school, something a lot of French kids do, there are 240 such fables!  They decided to call their restaurant La Fable, in deference to him and the magical nature of fables.  

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