Social Media Internship Opening at ClaraTone Records

The school term just ended for our intern Zach Toll and so has his internship with us. We are sad to see him go and grateful for having had him on board while we did. We are looking for:

- Someone who is eligible for college credit. This is mandatory. No exceptions

- A person who wants to broaden their knowledge of the ins and outs of the music biz

- Ability to work independently as well as with a supportive team

- A go-getter that is not afraid to give their input and personality into the projects assigned

- A creative, responsible, hard-working student that is strong at time management

If you know someone that fits this description, please contact us with their info or forward them our information, and we can send specifics. We have worked with interns across the country and tailor their assignments to their strengths and also give them an opportunity to grow and work on what they want to learn.They by no means will be fetching coffee or making copies! 


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